In this blog I'll talk about my miracle pregnancy.
We are the chosen one. From millions of couples.
InsyaAllah, i will jot down my IVF/ICSI journey into this blog.
Owh and I will write in both language English and Malay because I'm use to that.
Please bear with me with that.
We have been married for 4 years and 8months. No signs of pregnancy or child yet.
We have been diagnosed with Azoospermia. What is Azoosperm? Not many of Malaysia's people know about this and also not many people been diagnose with this. Maybe 1 out of 10K? I dont know the statistic.
What is Azoosperm?
Azoosperm from wikipedia : Azoospermia is the medical condition of a man not having any measurable level of sperm in his semen. It is associated with very low levels of fertility or even sterility, but many forms are amenable to medical treatment. In humans, azoospermia affects about 1% of the male population[1] and may be seen in up to 20% of male infertility situations.
" Azoosperm bermaksud tiada Sperma. Atau dalam kata lain, apabila ujian "Sperm Analyst (SA)" dibuat kepada seseorang lelaki, tiada sperma yang dijumpa dimana itu adalah punca infertility. Salah satu cara lain, doktor akan menyarankan supaya satu lagi proses yang lebih mendalam dijalankan. Iaitu Tesa atau Pesa."FROM : Fertility Connect
These procedures are offered to couples in cases where the male has no sperm present in the ejaculate. They are used in conjunction with an ICSI procedure. (For more information please see the ICSI section).
In some semen samples there may be no sperm present in the ejaculate. There can be a variety of reasons for an absence of sperm known as Azoospermia.
- There may be a blockage of the tubules that carry the sperm from the testicles to the penis.
- The passages themselves may not have developed so sperm cannot be transported. This is known as absence of the vas deferens. If the latter is diagnosed then genetic counselling may be offered as there can be a high risk of males with this diagnosis who are identified as carriers of the cystic fibrosis gene.
- In some cases sperm may be produced but in low numbers, and therefore not seen in the semen sample.
- The male may have had a vasectomy performed which means that the passages that carry the sperm have been severed.
TESE- Testicular Sperm Extraction
This procedure may be performed under GA or local anaesthetic with sedation. A small sample of testicular tissue is extracted from the testes. This can be achieved by either a fine needle being inserted into the testes or a small incision being made.
Sperm that is extracted by the above procedures will then be used in conjunction with an ICSI cycle.
ICSI involves a selected single sperm injected directly into a mature egg. The eggs will then be placed in an incubator and checked the following day for fertilisation. An Embryo Transfer is normally scheduled 3-5 days following egg collection.

MESA (Micro-epididymal Sperm Aspiration):
MESA is a procedure to retrieve sperm from the epididymis in men who have a diagnosed blocked vas deferens It is normally carried out under general anaesthetic. The sperm that is taken from the epididymis usually has poor motility so doctors usually proceed to ICSI on the same day.
Effects of ICSI
ICSI is still a relatively new procedure therefore the research on the effects that it may have on children born is still limited. It is possible that male children born may inherit the same type of infertility that the male partner presented if the sperm production was affected by a chromosome abnormality. Genetic counselling should be offered in such cases.
So that is it for the introduction. So for women or couples out there that been diagnose to this. Don't worry you are not alone and you still have the chance to have your own child.
Believe in Allah and have faith towards Him.
Assalamualaikum, MummyFin.
ReplyDeleteI pun ada husband azoo. I interested sangat pasal ubat hapuskan bakteria yang doc inject for 3 months tu & ubat turunkan hormon. ubat nak banyakkan sperm tu most prolly humog kan. Banyaknya nak tau ni. excited! hehe. tu pun if only u nak share :)
lagi satu, I nak tanya, if u don't mind, wud u join our group of azoo wifeys? to give a boost of motivation la macam tu. if u sudi la to join us :)
anything please email me at or my blog
thank you :)
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Impressive work. Azoospermia is a medical condition of a man not having any measurable levael of sperm.CM hospital is the best Fertility Centre in Chennai with individualized treatment and Gynecologist In Velachery will give you the best care, they are focused in your health and comfort.
ReplyDeleteThere are many factors which can lead to sperm problems and male infertility including diseases like diabetics, drug or alcohol abuse. Couples with infertility caused by disorders of sperm number or function may achieve success with IVF
ReplyDeleteImpressive research and information written by you about the testicular sperm extraction for fertility