As Salam,
Backdated post.
I'm having my ovum pickup on 9/09/13. Di pengsankan sepenuhnya semasa operasi ovum pickup. Proses selama 30-sejam. Memang akan dikangkang kan sepenuhnya di bilik yang terang benderang. tak payah nak malu lar diorg tu semuanya dah hari2 buat and tengok keadaan sebegitu. Lepas siap short operation kita akan di baringkan selama sejam untuk hilangkan kesan anestatic. masa elok2 sedar masa diorg pindahkan katil pun pening2 tak sedar gitu.
Lepas sejam rehat and kesan bius agak2 dah reda dibenarkan balik. owh lupa, sebab masalah kami en husband kan azoosperm so lepas aku husband plak kena TESE operation untuk dapatkan telur dia. Benda yang paling kami risau ialah takut tak dapat jumpa telur husband. Masa kami elok2 sedar pun benda pertama yang ditanya kat nurse tu pun "berapa dapat telur saya?" husband punya dapat tak?.
Telur aku dapat 10 biji husband punya ada 2,3 biji tapi diorg ckp embryologist akan cuba cuba dari tisu2 yang diambik masa operation. So kami balik dgn hati yang masih runsing. Balik kitorg ambik teksi memang dah plan gitu sebab dah dinasihatkan supaya kami tak drive masa hari tersebut. sebab dua2 akan bawah dibawah pengaruh bius lagi. Elok2 sampai umah dua2 pengsan smp maghrib.
Kami dah diberitahu jika berjaya atau tidak jadi embryo MAC (klinik HUKM) akan call bagitau. so dua hari berdebar tunggu call. Takut kalau takde yg berjaya jadi embryo. MAC dah bagitau diorg akan call on 11/09 sebab proses tu perlukan 2 hari untuk tengok perkembangan embryo. So petang dalam pukul 5.45pm baru embryologist call bgtau yang diorg berjaya dapat 10 ovum dan 10 sperma untuk disenyawakan. Alhamdullillah. Kami mcam tak percaya yang boleh dapat 10 sperma dari husband. Kuasa Tuhan kita pun tak mampu nak jangka. So confirm kami disuruh datang pada hari Khamis 12/09 untuk embryo transfer.
Kami dikehendaki datang dlm pukul 10am. Pukul sembilan dah sampai. tapi pukul 11.30am baru boleh masuk salin baju and tunggu kat katil.Tunggu Prof sampai pun punya lar lama. Pukul 12.30 ke pukul 1 baru boleh start. masa embryo transfer memang langsung takde bisu. Hidup gitu. Proses pun dlm 20-30 minit aje. Tapi sakit gak lar kan. tahan aje la labu. Diorg akan tunjuk kedudukan rahim dan proses semasa embryo dimasukkan. masa hari tersebut 5 embryo kami berjaya survive. So sebab faktor umur Prof decide masukkan 2 embryo 1 Grade 1 and 1 Grade 2. Selesai aje urusan Prof ramai2 bacakan doa. I'm just smiling all the way. Selesai aku disuruh baring selama sejam. lepas tu baru balik.
SO bermula lar my two weeks wait.
Sunday, 22 September 2013
Friday, 30 August 2013
IVF/ICSI : Our First Step
Our long journey on TTC.
Pertama kali kami decide nak jumpa gynea when I'm about 6 months left to finish my study. Our first meet with Prof Zainul at HUKM is on 20th June 2011. I start sambung my study about 6 months before kahwin. I apply memang masa tu my hubby pun tau and izinkan. So bila dapat, I terus accept walaupun dah nak kahwin. Itu bukan penyebab kenapa I tak perlu sambung study kan. It is not a big deal for us. Pasal anak pulak memang pada mulanya I mcm 50-50. Ehh, kalau ada anak takut tak terkejar. Mana nak uruskan suami, anak and study lagi. So, I cakap dgn hubby why dont we hold fist for baby. But my husband declined on that. Dia taknak plan for baby. So, I pun okay. for the first year tu walaupun kami belum jugak dapat baby, we still ok. because I pun bz dengan study and we all pun memang kaki ber'travel' and 'holiday'. Rajin terbang sana sini. Kami tak plan cuma Allah belum nak bagi so we just use the "privilege" selagi ada masa. But when I'm about to finish my study, it just felt like owh the pressure is coming.
So after 2 1/2 year of marriage we decided that it is the time to do something with this. So we decided to go and see a O&G for our fertility. Kami mula tanya sana sini. Kawan-kawan banyak bantu bagi nasihat dan info. On my head memang tak terfikir langsung pasal LPPKN. Kawan-kawan hubby cakap just go to HUKM. So we go to HUKM Private Wing specialist in O&G department. Memang takdir Allah. Allah dah aturkan untuk kami dengan cantik. My hubby call the hospital and make an appointment. Really, we had no idea what need to be done, what will happen and so on. We just go with the flow. Bila nama kami dipanggil, kami masuk and there he goes, we have been put under Prof Zainul. I dont even know him. Never do any research about him yet during that time. Kami juga langsung tak terfikir pasal doktor lelaki or perempuan sebab kami betul2 blurr or tak tahu what is going to be happen next. First Prof tanya ape tujuan kami. So kami bagitau lar kami datang nak check pasal kami masih lagi belum dapat baby until now. Then Prof start asking about my period history and then suddenly dia terus suruh baring because he wants to check further. Hahhh? Ape? Kami memang terkejut. pertama kali datang and consult dah kena scan bawah. masa tu dlm 2,3 hari lagi akan period. But still blh nmpk telur2. dia just kira ketebalan rahim and see if anything. I think he just wanna check samada I ada cyst ke tidak. Tapi semuanya okay. so Prof bagi surat utk husband buat sperm test (SA-Sperm Analyst) and I doc suruh check ambik darah because diorg nak cek for hormon and all. After that kami balik and just waiting for the result. and owh Sperm test dibuat di hari berlainan. After done with the sperm test kami diberi tarikh for next appnt. untuk tgk result darah and sperm test.
On 25th July we go again to see Prof Zainul regarding the results. Ya, tarikh test and appoint 1 month sebab hubby kena out station on the first appoint date been made. Sebelum jumpa Prof kami kena ambik result sprem test dulu. Excited but worried at the same time. in my heart I did felt there will be something on us. Masa tengah tggu giliran I tak sabar and just open the result. tertulis di result as "Azoospermia" "0" count. I'm stunned! I dont know what it is but I know it is not good. My husband also start to worry. So I'm start googling right at that time. Ape yang kami jumpa betul2 buat kami tertuduk. Azoosperm means no sperm count. Tiada sperm. we start to worry. My husband mula rasa down. As a wife I terus fikir, I tak boleh tunjuk rasa sedih and lemah depan husband I sekarang at this time. kalau I lemah dia akan lagi lemah. So i have to act strong for him and for us. I told him that there must be some way that we can work out. Tunggu je ape cakap Prof later. But still masa tggu tu I'm still googling to look for any positive news or articles about azoosperm. but none. Susah sgt nak dapat info pasal ni. I dah mula susah hati but I tak blh show it depan my husband sebab I tau. Orang yg paling sedih, risau dan rasa bersalah skrg adalah dia.
Then when it comes to our turn, kami msuk dah serahkan result pada prof. prof pun nampak terkejut bu he also tries to be positive for us.dia mintak nak cek batu husband. when he check he says that, 'takpe, ok lagi ni, boleh ni'. At least itupun dah bg sedikit cahaya to us. So Prof schedule for blood test for my hubby. dia nak tgk kadar hormon pulak. Lepas ambik darah kami balik. Prof cakap jangan risau, ada jugak org lain yg ada mslh yg sama. but for this kind of problem, IVF is the only way to get pregnant. We stunned again. Never in my life I would think of this would happen to me. Kami balik ke rumah dan discuss. Hubby suruh ai tinggalkan dia dan kahwin lain. How I should leave him and find my own happiness sedangkan dia menderita. I tak kuat untuk buat mcm tu. I decided we have to face this together. We fight till the end. So we agreed that we will go for IVF that is the only option unless there is a miracle from Allah.
Kami pergi lagi HUKM untuk temujanji kali ke-3 untuk tgk result darah husband. Prof found out that one of hubby punya hormon is too high which is its only happen to people who have been menopause. So, Prof bagi ubat untuk ambik for 1 month or 2 weeks I cant remember. After done with the cycle we go again for checkup. Alhamdulillah. The hormon going down to the normal state. So, next Prof schedule for Pese and Tesa test. Which is test untuk cari if any sperm dalam ruang yang lebih dalam. Pese Test doktor hanya akan cucuk di bahagian telur menggunakan jarum yg halus bagi proses menyedut sperm keluar. kalau sperm tidak dijumpai Tesa akan dijalankan dimana telur/batu husband akan dibedah bagi mendapatkan tisu dan tgk ada atau tidak sperm di bahagian pengeluaran. Biasanya keadaan ni terjadi sebab virus or keturunan. Kalau virus doktor akan ubat bagi benteras virus.
So to cut it short, my husband go up to Tesa. and Prof did found 5 healthy sperm. So prof bagi ubat hapuskan bakteria for 3 months. And from there we will see. After that cycle Prof let us decide when we are ready for IVF. After that kami no longer go to HUKM. because kami memang dah decide nak proceed with IVF it just that we have to find the money. Kami berhenti for treatment ablout 1 year and half. During that period, we tried others alternative. Minum2 makan2 urut. but still no baby. So dengan izin Allah jalan kami dipermudahkan. we manage to collect RM14K for this IVF/ICSI. So we go again on Mac 2013 to see Prof Zainul. Kami ingat boleh terus start jer but Prof mintak husband ambik ubat for 3 months to help to increase his sperm count sebab takut nnt buat2 lgsg takde sperm jumpa kan dah rugi. Total cost for 3 months is about Rm5.5K. Itu belum campur IVF/ICSI prosess lagi yer. Our budget for this process is Rm14K for IVF/ICSI alone. So after done with 3 months cycle after raya kami mula.
So its been schedule in my first cycle period in September for IVF/ICSI. kami dah mula pun. Kalau ikut period calender period ptt jatuh on Ahad 25th Sept. Sebab tu on 23 Sept kami dah pergi ambik ubat sebab takut Isnin dah kena start ambik ubat kan. SO sebab tu Jumaat dah pegi ambik ubat. Sampai aje MAC terus bagi borang biru. Nurse tanya few things then diorg sediakan ubat. Nurse nya ramah2 and byk jugak kongsi info. Jadi my Dos yang Prof dah tuliskan is 200iU Puregon. Nurse bagi ai Puregon 300 iU per bottle. So dia terangkan lah mcm mn nak guna Puregon Pen dan ubat untuk cucuk. Ubat dibekalkan untuk cucuk 6 hari. dua benda aje lar yg diber Puregon Pen (sewa RM105) and Puregon 300iU (4 x 3kotak = Rm1260) owh and beg and ice msh pakai beg and ice yang husband pakai sebelum ni so tak payah nak bayar sewa lagi.
Today is my 3rd day jab of Puregon 200iU. So far takde masalah. hubby yang tolong cucukkan tiap2 pagi. No side effect. Bagi yang rasa takut nak go trough IVF sebab kena cucuk2 bagai tak payah lar rasa takut. Jarumnya halus sangat. Sakit mcm kena cubit. Itu pun rasanya less dr kena cubit. tak sedar je dah selesai.
Pada I prosess IVF ni simple aje sebenarnya takde ape yang nak di stress kan dan takut. Pasal keputusan tu negatif ke positif semuanya kita serahkan pada Tuhan yang Maha Kuasa. Yang maha menghidupkan, Maha Membentuk dan Maha menjadikan. Kita sebagai hamba hanya mampu berusaha dan kemudian tawakal saja kepadaNya.
Puregon Pen Case
Puregon Pen
Puregon 300 iU
Pen Needles - No worry halus sangat.
Yang Benar,
Saturday, 24 August 2013
Introduction - Infertility / Azoosperm
As Salam,
In this blog I'll talk about my miracle pregnancy.
We are the chosen one. From millions of couples.
InsyaAllah, i will jot down my IVF/ICSI journey into this blog.
Owh and I will write in both language English and Malay because I'm use to that.
Please bear with me with that.
We have been married for 4 years and 8months. No signs of pregnancy or child yet.
We have been diagnosed with Azoospermia. What is Azoosperm? Not many of Malaysia's people know about this and also not many people been diagnose with this. Maybe 1 out of 10K? I dont know the statistic.
FROM : Fertility Connect
These procedures are offered to couples in cases where the male has no sperm present in the ejaculate. They are used in conjunction with an ICSI procedure. (For more information please see the ICSI section).
In some semen samples there may be no sperm present in the ejaculate. There can be a variety of reasons for an absence of sperm known as Azoospermia.
TESE- Testicular Sperm Extraction
This procedure may be performed under GA or local anaesthetic with sedation. A small sample of testicular tissue is extracted from the testes. This can be achieved by either a fine needle being inserted into the testes or a small incision being made.
Sperm that is extracted by the above procedures will then be used in conjunction with an ICSI cycle.
ICSI involves a selected single sperm injected directly into a mature egg. The eggs will then be placed in an incubator and checked the following day for fertilisation. An Embryo Transfer is normally scheduled 3-5 days following egg collection.
MESA (Micro-epididymal Sperm Aspiration):
MESA is a procedure to retrieve sperm from the epididymis in men who have a diagnosed blocked vas deferens It is normally carried out under general anaesthetic. The sperm that is taken from the epididymis usually has poor motility so doctors usually proceed to ICSI on the same day.
Effects of ICSI
ICSI is still a relatively new procedure therefore the research on the effects that it may have on children born is still limited. It is possible that male children born may inherit the same type of infertility that the male partner presented if the sperm production was affected by a chromosome abnormality. Genetic counselling should be offered in such cases.
So that is it for the introduction. So for women or couples out there that been diagnose to this. Don't worry you are not alone and you still have the chance to have your own child.
Believe in Allah and have faith towards Him.
In this blog I'll talk about my miracle pregnancy.
We are the chosen one. From millions of couples.
InsyaAllah, i will jot down my IVF/ICSI journey into this blog.
Owh and I will write in both language English and Malay because I'm use to that.
Please bear with me with that.
We have been married for 4 years and 8months. No signs of pregnancy or child yet.
We have been diagnosed with Azoospermia. What is Azoosperm? Not many of Malaysia's people know about this and also not many people been diagnose with this. Maybe 1 out of 10K? I dont know the statistic.
What is Azoosperm?
Azoosperm from wikipedia : Azoospermia is the medical condition of a man not having any measurable level of sperm in his semen. It is associated with very low levels of fertility or even sterility, but many forms are amenable to medical treatment. In humans, azoospermia affects about 1% of the male population[1] and may be seen in up to 20% of male infertility situations.
" Azoosperm bermaksud tiada Sperma. Atau dalam kata lain, apabila ujian "Sperm Analyst (SA)" dibuat kepada seseorang lelaki, tiada sperma yang dijumpa dimana itu adalah punca infertility. Salah satu cara lain, doktor akan menyarankan supaya satu lagi proses yang lebih mendalam dijalankan. Iaitu Tesa atau Pesa."FROM : Fertility Connect
These procedures are offered to couples in cases where the male has no sperm present in the ejaculate. They are used in conjunction with an ICSI procedure. (For more information please see the ICSI section).
In some semen samples there may be no sperm present in the ejaculate. There can be a variety of reasons for an absence of sperm known as Azoospermia.
- There may be a blockage of the tubules that carry the sperm from the testicles to the penis.
- The passages themselves may not have developed so sperm cannot be transported. This is known as absence of the vas deferens. If the latter is diagnosed then genetic counselling may be offered as there can be a high risk of males with this diagnosis who are identified as carriers of the cystic fibrosis gene.
- In some cases sperm may be produced but in low numbers, and therefore not seen in the semen sample.
- The male may have had a vasectomy performed which means that the passages that carry the sperm have been severed.
TESE- Testicular Sperm Extraction
This procedure may be performed under GA or local anaesthetic with sedation. A small sample of testicular tissue is extracted from the testes. This can be achieved by either a fine needle being inserted into the testes or a small incision being made.
Sperm that is extracted by the above procedures will then be used in conjunction with an ICSI cycle.
ICSI involves a selected single sperm injected directly into a mature egg. The eggs will then be placed in an incubator and checked the following day for fertilisation. An Embryo Transfer is normally scheduled 3-5 days following egg collection.

MESA (Micro-epididymal Sperm Aspiration):
MESA is a procedure to retrieve sperm from the epididymis in men who have a diagnosed blocked vas deferens It is normally carried out under general anaesthetic. The sperm that is taken from the epididymis usually has poor motility so doctors usually proceed to ICSI on the same day.
Effects of ICSI
ICSI is still a relatively new procedure therefore the research on the effects that it may have on children born is still limited. It is possible that male children born may inherit the same type of infertility that the male partner presented if the sperm production was affected by a chromosome abnormality. Genetic counselling should be offered in such cases.
So that is it for the introduction. So for women or couples out there that been diagnose to this. Don't worry you are not alone and you still have the chance to have your own child.
Believe in Allah and have faith towards Him.
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